Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Of springy steps. And breathless despair.

First, the good.

It's spring time here in London. The sun plays hide and seek, but shows more of its face than before. Temperature remains in the single digits, but early double digits are here.

The parks are green. The restaurants have opened for takeaways. People have started meeting up outside. Workplaces are slowly reopening with limited capacity. 

We did a short visit to Windsor. It was a beautiful and verdant 'long walk' beside the palace and the quaint town. It was great to get some travel-bug back. 

Puppies are M's new obsession. With her friends she has been playing with quite a few. G and I are far from being comfortable with one in the house though. 

Then, the not so good.

India is in the throes of despair from covid. Widespread struggles for oxygen and medicines. Lost of friend, a batchmate who I once shared many a laugh with. Many colleagues down. Trying to support while being remote, but it's hard to see the despair. We pray for better days.

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