Thursday, March 25, 2021

Past the Ides of March

It's hard to believe we are already a quarter down this year. 

Spring seems finally here. After much hide and seek, the Sun showeth its face. Or maybe not. One can never be sure in this weather. 

But carpets of daffodils and crocuses are here in the parks. Fresh leaves blooming slowly in the trees. Animals and insects slowly coming out of hibernation. 

And hopefully so are we. Out of lockdowns, that is.

The schools have reopened. To the delight of the kids who have hated being cooped up at home. To the mixed delight of their multi-tasking parents, who have yearned for some quiet, but also find it a little disquieting without the little cackle.

The vaccines are here. Slowly everyone we know is getting one. They do have some pretty strong side-effects. But hopefully are worth the stronger pains avoided.

At work, everyone seems overworking. This blurred boundary between home and work time has made life a little crazy. Anxiety is an equal epidemic. For those at work. And for those without.

Ah, what would we not give for a semblance of normality. The simple freedoms of the past. Little appreciated when we had them. Much wished for without.